declaration = compDecl | statement;
destructure = IDENTIFIER ( ',' IDENTIFIER )*;
This is part of a custom implementation of the binary operation. This function is tasked with equality
equality = comparison (('!=' | '==') comparison)*;
exportDecl = '(' 'export' '(' destructure ')' ')';
expression = equality;
This is part of a custom implementation of the binary operation. This function is tasked with factors
factor = unary (('/' | '') unary);
importStmt = '(' 'import' ((('(' destructure ')') | 'everything') 'from')? STRING ')'
memlProp → IDENTIFIER | IDENTIFIER '=' expression;
memlStmt = IDENTIFIER memlProp* statement*;
page = ('(' declaration ')')* EOF;
primary = NUMBER | STRING | 'true' | 'false' | 'null' | '(' expression ')';
statement = memlStmt | expression;
This is part of a custom implementation of the binary operation. This function is tasked with terms
term = factor (('-' | '+') factor)*;
unary = ('!' | '-') unary | primary;
Generated using TypeDoc
This is part of a custom implementation of the binary operation. This function is tasked with comparison
comparison = term (('>' | '>=' | '<' | '<=') term)*;